Church, but different. Sundays @ 11:00 AM
Our goal is to hold space for people to practice honesty and love, while working towards the divine dream of a peaceful, just, and free world.
At Westside, we believe church should be an expression of God’s beloved community. We come together to study the scriptures with a focus on justice and lovingkindness, and we envision and practice what revolutionary spiritual community can look like. Our church is open to all who want to participate.
- you do not have to believe to belong!
Sunday Mornings
Every Friday at 10:00 AM, we join together to learn and practice what good community looks like. We check in, talk about how we can help each other and the community, and explore community projects together.
Learning Community
We have lots of folks who watch and attend church online. If you can’t make it, don’t live close, or just want to check us out, you can follow our Facebook Page or subscribe to our Youtube channel.
Participate Online
Without hesitation or equivocation, we accept and celebrate our kinfolk regardless of gender expression or sexuality.
Once per quarter, we have an outdoor free store, where we accept and redistribute clothing and other items. Give what you want, take what you need! After the open-air events, the free store remains available for anyone who stops by.
Free Store
Check out our store for Westside merch and some fun clothes to start up conversations.