What to Expect on Sunday Morning @ 11:00
- Jim will make coffee
- Welcome and Announcements
- Box Time: Chad will freestyle an impromptu lesson about
something random that someone sneaks in the box before service
- Pass the Peace: Everyone is invited to stand and mingle to say hello,
give hugs, shake hands, give fist bumps, avoid others, stay seated, or
otherwise choose how you want to greet (or not greet) others.
- Moment of Mindfulness: We will pause to breathe and center
ourselves before the sermon by noticing where our minds are
and gently and lovingly ask our minds to come back to a
focal point.
- Sermon: You won’t get judged, pressured, or coerced to
change anything, give anything, or confess anything. You
might be challenged, learn something, or be inspired, though!
- Sharing in the Lord's Supper/Communion: anyone who is willing is
welcome to participate. We don’t build walls around the table,
just invitations to it.
- Prayers: give your request outloud, or offer a silent prayer.
- Michael will fly a paper airplane: subject to availability
- Music: There will be about three songs. One church song, one
non-churchy song, and another song that could be either! Feel
free to sing, sit, stand, clap, or be silent as you feel comfortable.
- 2pm Don will take out the trash: if you stick around long enough,
you can hear some of Don’s Wisdom (Be careful out there! -Don)
Join us on Sundays
11:00 AM Service
8700 Chapin Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76116
Sunday Mornings
Every Friday at 10:00 AM, we join together to learn and practice what good community looks like. We check in, talk about how we can help each other and the community, and explore community projects together.
Learning Community
We have lots of folks who watch and attend church online. If you can’t make it, don’t live close, or just want to check us out, you can follow our Facebook Page or subscribe to our Youtube channel.
Participate Online
Without hesitation or equivocation, we accept and celebrate our kinfolk regardless of gender expression or sexuality.
Once per quarter, we have an outdoor free store, where we accept and redistribute clothing and other items. Give what you want, take what you need! After the open-air events, the free store remains available for anyone who stops by.
Free Store
Check out our store for Westside merch and some fun clothes to start up conversations.